Determining The Value Of Your Case

The first thing most people want to know is how much is my case worth? You need to get the most money possible when you are injured through someone else’s negligence. If your injuries are severe you may be in for years of therapy, lost wages and pain and suffering. Your life may never be the same. If your case is worth a million dollars why not go to someone who has experience in handling million dollar cases.

Over the years, LISKO & ASSOCIATES has been involved in several multimillion-dollar cases. Unfortunately, the million dollar cases often involve the wrongful death of a loved one or an extremely serious injury such as brain damage or the permanent loss of a body function.

Not every case is worth a million dollars and in even those cases where a person deserves a million dollars the person may not get the full value of their case. If there are several people involved in the accident sometimes the total amount of the insurance must be divided between all who are injured. Sometimes there is not enough insurance money or the defendant does not have sufficient assets to pay the full value of the case. At LISKO & ASSOCIATES, we search every possible source of assets and make every effort to obtain the highest dollar value for every one of our clients.

If you or a family member has been seriously injured through someone else’s negligence and you think you may have a claim of significant value, doesn’t it make sense to go to the lawyer who is familiar with handling million dollar cases? Contact attorney Roy K. Lisko today for a free case evaluation at 814-237-6673. He handles cases across the state of Pennsylvania from his office in State College.

Please visit our representative cases page for a small sample of the cases attorney Lisko has handled.